AutoCount Easy Photo Plugin

Autocount Plugin :
Easy Photo

Introduction of AutoCount Easy Photo Plugin :

The AutoCount Easy Photo Plugin makes it easy to add photos to documents for retail businesses. With this plugin, you can easily upload photos right into your document entries. Consequently, your records become more complete and visually appealing. Let’s take a look at the key features and benefits of this plugin.

How to Use ?

Tutorial Video

Let's explore the key benefits, features, and usage of the AutoCount Easy Photo plugin.

Low Mun Yao

Taking SMEs to the Next Level of Business Excellence

AutoCount System has more than 50 modules and 100 plugins for SMEs. It offers different options to help businesses grow quickly and make sure you choose the right ones. If you want solutions for accounting, managing inventory, handling sales, and more. You can trust AutoCount to have the right tools for your specific needs.

Low Mun Yao

How AutoCount Easy Photo Plugin Works:

Setting Configuration

You can choose the documents types that the photo you want to upload. This way, you can decide where you want to use this feature.

Document Entry

In the document entry form, you can easily load photos by right-clicking in the photo section. This links the photos to the document you’re working on.

Ideal for Business:

The AutoCount Easy Photo Plugin is great for retail businesses that want to easily manage photos in their documents. Hence, it makes it simple to link visual documentation with transactions, improving how documents are handled.


Make adding photos to your document entries easy with the AutoCount Easy Photo Plugin. With this tool, you can link pictures to transactions effortlessly, making your documents more visual and simplifying how you manage photos. Specifically designed for retail businesses, this plugin helps to handle visual documentation better, thereby improving how you work with transactions.

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