Table of Contents
What is Autocount Stock Take
AutoCount stock take is means physical stock count to compares system stock balances with actual stock balances.
How to do autocount stock take
Step 1: Print the inventory physical worksheet
Print the physical worksheet, ensure that the worksheet includes zero balances and is dated with the previous day’s date.

2. Ensure date is previous day then select more option

3.Tick “Include Zero Balance” and click on “Ok” button

4.Inquiry to refresh and print out Inventory Physical Worksheet

Step 2:Conduct the physical count
- Physically count and verify the quantities of each inventory item in your stock.
- Record the counted quantities on the physical worksheet.

Step 3:Update On-Hand Quantities in AutoCount
1. Go to Stock > Stock Take

2.Click on the “New” button

3. Key in the details on this page.

1.Before Merge ensure date is previous day
2.Click on “Merge” to incorporate the counted quantities into the system.
3.Click on “Recalculate On Hand Qty” to update the on-hand quantities based on the physical counts.
4.Click on “Post to Adjustment” to save the adjustments with the previous day’s date.

What mistake during autocount stock take?
Step 1: Preparation
Mistake 1
How to fix
Not planning the stock take adequately.
Messy counting, wrong counts, delays.
Plan ahead, set clear goals, pick a good time, assign tasks.
Step 2: Counting Process
Mistake 2
How to fix
Not conducting the physical count accurately.
Different numbers between physical count and system records, losses.
Count carefully, double-check.
Not verifying and reconciling counts.
Lost data, hard to enter into AutoCount, easy to make mistakes.
Use clear forms, record in order, double-check.
Not recording the counts properly.
Different numbers between physical count and system records, losses, bad decisions.
Compare counts to system, find and fix problems, make sure counts match system.
Step 3: Data Entry
Mistake 5
How to fix
Typing in the wrong item number.
Bad inventory records, losses, bad decisions.
Enter carefully, double-check, use AutoCount rules.
Entering the wrong quantity.
Bad inventory records, losses, bad decisions.
Double-check, use AutoCount search.
Why AutoCount need stock card report?
The stock card report provides a detailed stock movement of each item transaction.
1.Go to Stock > Stock Card Report

2.Click on “Inquiry” to refresh then click on “Preview”.

Stock Card Report show detailed transaction history of stock item (in qty, out qty, b/f qty)
Track the quantity and cost (details of the stock in and stock out)