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AutoCount- Informative Charts and Analytical Data

Introduction to AutoCount Informative Charts and Analytical Data

The Informative Charts and Analytical Data feature in AutoCount Accounting 2.0 offers a visual representation of your accounting activities, helping you better understand your business’s financial health through charts and graphs. This guide will walk you through enabling, customizing, and utilizing this feature effectively.

Purpose of AutoCount Informative Charts and Analytical Data

The purpose of the Informative Charts is to provide analytical insights into your business’s accounting activities, such as Monthly Sales, Debtor Aging, Creditor Aging, and more. These visualizations help in making data-driven decisions and keeping track of key metrics.

Step-by-Step Guide: Informative Charts and Analytical Data

How to Enable Informative Charts?

1. Navigate to the Widget Setting

  • Locate the Widget Setting option on the top-right corner of your AutoCount home screen.
Informative Charts-How to Enable Informative Charts-1
  • Click on the Widget Setting option.
Informative Charts-How to Enable Informative Charts-2

2. Open the Workspace Manager

  • Once in the Widget Setting window, click on the Workspace Manager button.
Informative Charts-How to Enable Informative Charts-3
  • Go to Workspace > General Manager.
Informative Charts-How to Enable Informative Charts-4

3. View the Default Charts

  • After enabling, the main page will display charts for Monthly Sales, Debtor Aging, Creditor Aging, and other key financial data.
Informative Charts-How to Enable Informative Charts-5

Adding and Customizing Widgets

1. Add New Widgets

  • In the Widget Setting window, select Customize Widget.
  • Click on the Add button.
  • Browse the available widgets and select the one you want to display.
Informative Charts-Adding and Customizing Widgets-1

2. List of Available Widgets

  • Monthly Sales Purchase
  • Monthly Sales Collection
  • Debtor/Creditor Aging
  • Top Sales Ranking
  • Debtor Top Sales Ranking
  • Monthly Financial
  • Top 10 Outstanding Debtors
  • Top 10 Outstanding Creditors
Informative Charts-Adding and Customizing Widgets-2

3. Customize Data

  • Select the widget on your screen and click Customize.
  • Choose the data parameters you want to display, such as time frame, specific accounts, or item categories.
Informative Charts-Adding and Customizing Widgets-3
Informative Charts-Adding and Customizing Widgets-4

4. Update Settings

  • You can also set the widget to update data in real-time by adjusting the refresh interval.
Informative Charts-Adding and Customizing Widgets-5

Types of Charts

AutoCount supports the following types of charts:

Bar Chart

Informative Charts-Types of Charts-Bar Chart

Line Graph

Informative Charts-Types of Charts-Line Graph

Pie Chart

Informative Charts-Types of Charts-Pie Chart

How to Change Chart Type?

  • Open the Widget Customize window.
  • Select the chart type you prefer for each widget.
Informative Charts-How to Change Chart Type

Drill Down Functionality

The Drill Down Functionality allows you to click on specific parts of a chart to view the related documents and records.

1. Double-click on a Chart Section

  • Double-click on a bar or section in the chart that you want to explore further.
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2. View Related Documents

  • You will be presented with a list of related documents corresponding to the selected data.
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3. Select the Document

  • Click on the document you want to review in detail.
Informative Charts-Drill Down Functionality-3

Copying Charts to Clipboard

1. Right-Click on the Chart

  • Right-click on any chart you wish to copy.

2. Select "Copy to Clipboard"

  • Choose the Copy to Clipboard option.
Informative Charts-Copying Charts to Clipboard-1

3. Paste in Another Application

  • Open any third-party application (e.g., Microsoft Word) and paste the copied chart directly.
Informative Charts-Copying Charts to Clipboard-2

Managing Access Rights

Administrators can set permissions for which users can customize widgets and view specific charts.

1. Go to Access Rights Maintenance

  • Search for Widget in the Access Rights Maintenance.
Informative Charts-Managing Access Rights-1

2. Enable or Disable Rights

  • Set permissions for users to “Allow Customize Widget Control” based on their roles.
Informative Charts-Managing Access Rights-2

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The Informative Charts and Analytical Data feature in AutoCount 2.0 is a powerful tool for visualizing and managing your accounting activities. By utilizing the customization options and drill-down capabilities, you can gain deeper insights into your business performance.


Go to Widget Setting and select Reset to Default. This will restore all widgets to the default layout and data settings.

Ensure that you have the correct permissions set in the Access Rights Maintenance. Only users with the right permissions can customize the widgets.

No, only the predefined widgets are supported. However, you can customize the data shown in these widgets as needed.

The Drill Down Function helps in pinpointing specific accounting entries or anomalies, enabling you to trace the source documents directly from the chart itself.

Currently, there is no direct export to Excel option for charts. However, you can copy the charts to clipboard and manually paste them into Excel.

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