E-Invoice Update: Specific Guidelines – October 4, 2024

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The Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) has recently announced significant updates to the e-Invoice guidelines, designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of electronic invoicing. These revisions ensure that businesses align with the latest standards for compliance.

For a comprehensive overview of the updates, please click here to access the summary. If you’re looking for the full guidelines for Version 3.1, you can find them through this link: LHDN e-Invoice Specific Guideline Version 3.1. Below, we’ve summarized the key changes for your convenience.

NOPARAGRAPH IN EINVOICE SPECIFIC GUIDELINE BEFORE (VERSION 2.2) AFTER (VERSION 3.1) the above, in relation to transactions with persons in Section 1.6.1 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (k) of the e-Invoice Guideline, Suppliers are allowed to replace the Buyer’s details with the information stated in Table 3.4 of this e-Invoice Specific Guideline.Notwithstanding the above, in relation to transactions with persons in Section 1.6.1 (a) of the e-Invoice Guideline, Suppliers are allowed to replace the Buyer’s details with the information stated in Table 3.5 of this e-Invoice Specific Guideline. relation to transactions with persons in Section 1.6.1 (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) of the e-Invoice Guideline, Suppliers are allowed to input Buyer’s TIN field with the general TIN assigned in Appendix 1 of this e-Invoice Specific Guideline.Suppliers are required to maintain supporting documents to substantiate that the said e-Invoice is related to persons mentioned in Section 1.6.1 of the e-Invoice Guideline.

Do you want to explore the latest update of specific guidelines?

LHDN has updated the e-invoice specific guideline from version 3.1 to 4.0